Word do not translate into action

A recent letter to the editor in reference to U.S. Rep. Erik Paulsen’s voting record reminded me of my own experience as a voter for Paulsen (“Paulsen works with both parties,” Feb. 22).

I too considered him a moderate and believed from his words that he had enough of the beliefs and principles I hold to deserve my vote. I was mistaken.
Unfortunately his words do not translate into action. Yes, he has sponsored or cosponsored bills that are bipartisan, those which he knows will pass or are of little consequence.

As to his voting record — yes you need to actually look at his voting record — it does not align with his words. He is indeed a representative who votes 98 percent of the time with the current administration.

If this is OK with you, then you know who you need to vote for. If not, there is an election in November 2018.

Winnie Sipprell, Eden Prairie
Chaska Herald, March 2, 2018

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