Why some Trump supporters are starting to realize he’s delusional

Trump will almost certainly get an emotional boost from an adoring crowd at his rally in Tulsa. But perhaps for the first time in his privileged life, reality is beginning to challenge the delusional world he has created for himself. As a result, he just keeps making things worse.

The president has been so eager to reopen the economy that he is ensuring an ongoing rise in the number of people contracting COVID-19. As experts are warning, the U.S. isn’t experiencing a second wave of the virus—the first wave never ended.

Because Trump views every relationship as a transaction, he seemed to have turned over his Twitter account on Thursday night to someone who could help him bribe voters in swing states. The president’s account sent out 21 tweets bragging about the money he sent to various states from the Department of Transportation. For example, Colorado got over $60 million, Nevada $50 million, North Carolina $25 million, and Texas $80 million. The list goes on. Nothing is more typical of how this president operates than to think he can use federal taxpayer dollars to boost his chances of reelection. Continue reading.

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