Why I’m opposed to the ‘Tax Cuts and Jobs Act’

To the Editor:

I recently called Rep. Erik Paulsen’s office, regarding H.R.1 — the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,” urging him to vote against this act.  I would have preferred to present my views in a town hall meeting, but since Rep. Paulsen does not hold open public meetings where constituents can publicly express their views on legislation, I’ll share them here.

They jobs act that Rep. Paulsen supports and voted for creates no jobs but will transfer US treasury dollars to the top 1-percent earners by increasing taxes on the middle class.  If signed into law, it will basically re-distribute wealth from the middle class to the super rich.

It will increase the deficit by $1.5 trillion as it takes from the middle class to give to the top 1 percent.  It will not create any significant revenues to offset the dollars that the treasury will pay out to the wealthy and powerful corporations.

This deficit will result in legislative efforts to raid the Social Security trust fund to balance the budget.  During our working years, as required by law, working Americans contribute to the Social Security trust fund and expect it to be there once we retire.  Social Security is a contract between the federal government and working Americans.  Approval of HR-1 or any reconciliated bill between the House and Senate will result in the depletion of this trust fund to balance the budget.  Other legislative efforts to balance the budget, will be to reduce funding and benefits provided by Medicare, medicaid and other social programs that many in our communities need and rely on.

For these reasons, I’m opposed to the approval of this act or any reconciliated congressional bill between the House and Senate and strongly urge Rep. Erik Paulsen to vote against such tax plans or acts, as they will do great damage and harm to the economy, the lower and middle classes, seniors, and persons with disabilities in Congressional District 3.

Josue Saez, Plymouth
Plymouth Sun-Sailor, December 14, 2017

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