“I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration … to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.” — Air Force Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper, Dr. Strangelove
In the 1964 black comedy Dr. Strangelove, the above words are spoken by a general who is about to start World War III. His theory about the contamination of “precious bodily fluids” is the tipoff for poor Group Captain Lionel Mandrake that the general has gone certifiably cuckoo.
This week, Republican voters in Georgia’s 14th Congressional District nominated Marjorie Taylor Greene for the seat being vacated by Rep. Tom Graves. Greene is (or claims to be) a QAnon believer.
You might think that once voters were alerted to this, they’d shrink from Greene as Mandrake did from Ripper, asking her to go nicely with the men in white coats who are here to help her. Her opponent told Politico, “She is not conservative — she’s crazy.” The voters were not convinced. Greene trounced Cowan by 14 points (as of this writing). Continue reading.