‘Who gives a s— about Afghanistan?’: Trump stunned officials with his comments during a military briefing, former aide says

President Donald Trump bemoaned a US-led coalition mission to provide aid to Afghanistan and derailed a meeting with top military officials last year, according to an upcoming book by an aide to former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.

During the Joint Chiefs of Staff meeting at the Pentagon in January 2018, Trump was briefed by Mattis on the Defense Department’s strategies and internal assessments, Guy Snodgrass, a retired US Navy commander and Mattis’ former speechwriter, said in his book, “Holding the Line: Inside Trump’s Pentagon with Secretary Mattis,” out next Tuesday.

Snodgrass, who was assisting Mattis with PowerPoint slides for the president, said he prepared his presentation “of paramount importance” by taking into account Trump’s tendency to dislike slides with “too much information.” Instead of adding statistics and explanations, Snodgrass opted for the “more straightforward approach: just pictures.”

View the complete October 23 article by David Choi on The Business Insider website here.

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