Want to Know More About: Trump Tax Fraud

Adam Davidson: “We Realized [Trump Organization] Was Built On Fraud And That Trump Himself Added Very Little Value To No Value. It Was Just Inherited Money Passed On To His Son Through Fraudulent Means.” ADAM DAVIDSON: “First of all, the New York Times piece, this massive 14,000 word investigation I think it will take a while for sort of the body politic to absorb it, but it is a fundamental game changer. It really reveals that the trump organization was far more than even people like me who are highly skeptical, far more than we realized was built on fraud and that Trump himself added very little value to no value. It was just inherited money passed on to his son through fraudulent means.” [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 10/5/18; VIDEO]

Adam Davidson: “We’re Going To See Multiple, Multiple Investigations With A Goal Of Pursuing His Wealth And The Trump Tax Bill In New York State Alone Just For New York State Taxes Is Over $400 Million.” ADAM DAVIDSON: “We have a situation where the main places trump does business, New York, New Jersey, Florida, Virginia, California are likely to have or Florida the race is too close to call, democratic attorneys general and all democratic candidates are saying yeah we’re going hard after the trump organization. My understanding is attorneys general, state attorneys general have been differential to Mueller. They’ve not wanted to step in too aggressively. That’s over come January. We’re going to see multiple, multiple investigations with a goal of pursuing his wealth and the trump tax bill in New York state alone just for New York state taxes is over $400 million if the “New York Times” story bears out. If you add up all those states plus federal think that must be what’s scaring him more than the possibility of removal.” [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 10/5/18; VIDEO]

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