Using Old Video, Trump Claims ‘Wall Is Under Construction Right Now’

The video is footage of a repair procedure from Sept. 18, 2018. And it isn’t “the wall.”

Trump is pretending that video of a fence being repaired from 5 months ago is evidence of his “wall” being built right now. The lie is the latest humiliation for Trump, who has been repeatedly denied the ability to waste billions in tax dollars on the racist vanity project.

Trump posted video of the fence repair with the caption, “We have just built this powerful Wall in New Mexico. Completed on January 30, 2019 – 47 days ahead of schedule! Many miles more now under construction!”

In a subsequent, lying, all-caps tweet he added, “THE WALL IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION RIGHT NOW!”

View the complete February 22 article by Oliver Willis of the American Independent on the National Memo website here.

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