‘Untreatable and incurable’: Psychiatrist explains why Trump’s Harvey Weinstein rant was ‘a symptom’ of dementia

AlterNet logoAlterNet logoJohn Talmadge, a professor of clinical psychology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, believes that President Donald Trump’s lengthy, disjointed rant about convicted rapist and former film mogul Harvey Weinstein was a sign of dementia.

After posting a video of Trump talking about Weinstein, in which the president went off on tangents about his 2016 election win and Weinstein’s donations to prominent Democrats, Talmadge argued that this was yet another sign of the president’s deteriorating mental condition.

“This was not Trump giving an answer to a question; this was a symptom,” he said. “The condition is untreatable and uncurable. Alzheimer’s dementia destroy (sic) the life of Fred Trump, and dementia tends to run in families.” Continue reading.

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