Trump’s self-destructive diet: Psychiatrist explains how unhealthy food choices may affect president’s mental health

President Donald Trump’s well-documented eating habits are far from what a nutritionist would deem ideal. The most powerful man in the world often skips breakfast. When he does eat the most important meal of the day, he opts for bacon, McDonald’s Egg McMuffins or “made in the USA” cereals high in sugar.

When Trump visits McDonald’s for lunch or dinner, his go-to order for one meal ⁠— two Big Macs, two Filet-O-Fish and a chocolate shake ⁠— clocks in at 2,390 calories. He might chase that with up to 12 Diet Cokes a day. The president’s love of the iconic American fast-food chain is reportedly motivated at least in part by a fear of being poisoned. That’s just one quirk in a highly quirky diet.

Sometimes Trump goes for stretches of up to 16 hours without eating. He prefers his steak “so well done” that “it would rock on the plate.” He eats two common finger foods — fried chicken and pizza — with a fork. He is rumored to think Ore-Ida fries are “perfect.” And you better believe that he gets two scoops of ice cream for dessert, while dinner guests get just one.

View the complete November 4 article by Joseph Neese from Salon on the AlterNet website here.

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