Trump’s narcissistic delusions: Now he’s bragging about awful polls — and threatening armageddon

Last week Donald Trump continued down a path of implicating himself in impeachable crimes. During an interview with ABC News he admitted that he would take dirt on a political opponent from a hostile foreign government, which is against the law. He also falsely accused his White House counsel, Don McGahn, of committing perjury, which is obstruction of justice. And he’s asserting that he has secret agreements with North Korea and Mexico, which are illegal if not ratified by Congress.

Trump is nearly incapacitated by his fear of being held accountable for the crimes that he knows all too well he is guilty of. And this is causing him to become more desperate with each passing day. So now he is trying to find some comfort by cowering in the slimy warmth of the Trump-fluffing media that he relies on for emotional support. And they are cooperating by telling him he is beloved by the American people.

The only problem with that is that even their reassurances are pitifully weak. They come in the form of reports on polling of Trump’s approval. But those numbers are historically negative. Nevertheless, when they reach what are considered “highs” for Trump, he celebrates, even if they are dismally low in reality:

View the complete June 16 article by News Corpse from Daily Kos on the AlterNet website here.

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