Trump’s Economy Hasn’t Benefited Workers

Credit: Joseph Keppler via wikipedia

With each passing month, the Trump administration continues to build an economy focused on rewarding wealthy corporations at the expense of working families.

Trump and the Republican Party sold Americans out. This is Trump’s scheme – to keep America great for the rich and powerful, while making it harder for everyone else to succeed.

Trump fuels corporate greed and will always empower wealthy special interests. Trump’s most consistent policy is to help CEOs and rich corporations while hurting workers and families. Look at all he’s done so far:

  • TRUMP TAX: Trump and Republicans passed a tax bill that gives massive new tax breaks to big corporations and more than 80% of the benefits to the top 1% by the end of the decade. CEOs have used these massive giveaways to further enrich themselves, but not to benefit their workers.
  • HEALTH CARE: Trump and Republicans continue to sabotage the ACA. Their assault has increased health care costs for millions and made it less accessible.
  • DRUG PRICES: Pharmaceutical companies received an excessively large break from the Trump tax – disproportionate even to the huge breaks received by other wealthy corporations. Yet, drug prices continue to increase and Trump’s drug plan might make them even more expensive.
  • HOUSING: As Trump and his family make hundreds of millions from their real estate holdings, Trump has aimed to gut housing programs and make it more difficult for people to afford to put a roof over their head.

Trump’s reverse Robin Hood tactics have only furthered the resolve of Democrats. We will fight harder than ever to build a brighter economic future for everyone.

  • BETTER JOBS: We’ll work to create good-paying jobs and bring back jobs that have moved overseas.
  • BETTER WAGES: We’ll work to increase wages and ensure workers benefit from a growing economy.
  • INNOVATION: We’ll invest to promote domestic manufacturing and to empower our workers, who are the engine of innovation in our country.
  • EDUCATION: We’ll ensure everyone has access to an affordable education to help get better jobs with higher wages.
  • HEALTH CARE: Once and for all, we’ll ensure health care is a right for every American, not just the privileged few.


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