Trump’s Dementia is on Vivid Display in Sunday Twitter Tantrum

There is nothing that Donald Trump likes better than to childishly insult his critics and political opponents. With regard to Joe Biden, that has included numerous references to mental stability and fitness for office. Unfortunately for Trump, the American people have thoroughly rejected his claims and, even worse, believe that Trump is the one with the cognitive dysfunction. And in a head to head comparison, more voters say that Trump is unfit to serve.

Trump has been surprisingly helpful in providing abundant evidence of his acute psychoses. And on Sunday morning he added to the voluminous documentation that he is utterly nuts. This naturally came in the form of rage-filled tweets. Even though he has lately been curtailing the quantity of his Twitter output, this has not impacted that “quality” in any way. Such as this…

No matter how many times Trump asserts that President Obama spied on his campaign, it still isn’t true. And Trump’s allegations of corruption by Obama are a laughable demonstration of projection. It’s Trump and his confederates who have actually been charged and convicted of criminal – even treasonous – conduct. Continue reading.

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