Trump’s betrayal of American workers: How an agency meant to protect labor morphed into its enemy

AlterNet logoGiant balloons apparently terrify Peter Robb, who is Donald Trump’s handpicked general counsel for the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

Big balloons shaped like rats, cats, pigs and cockroaches so frighten Robb that he has used his office to take extraordinary steps to outlaw them.

He won’t criminalize the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade balloons. The massive SpongeBob SquarePants, Mickey Mouse and Angry Bird inflatables will survive his extermination. Only the somewhat smaller balloons floated by labor unions offend Robb. He wants the NLRB to trample labor unions’ First Amendment rightto buoyant protests.

View the complete August 29 article by Tom Conway from the Independent Media Institution on the AlterNet website here.