Trump’s assertion that only two European nations allow mail-in voting

No other advanced country conducts elections this way. Many European countries have instituted major restrictions on mail-in voting specifically because they recognize the nearly unlimited potential for fraud. Out of 42 European nations, all but two prohibit absentee ballots entirely for people who reside inside the country, or else they require those who need absentee ballots to show a very, very powerful ID.”

— President Trump, during a speech full of falsehoods about the presidential election, Dec. 2

The president’s 46-minute rant on the presidential election was filled with dozens of falsehoods, most of which we have previously checked. But he included one new claim that caught our interest. In contrast to many of the statements Trump makes, this one is not entirely made up from whole cloth.

Let’s take a look.

The Facts

The Trump campaign did not respond to a request for comment, but it appears that Trump’s assertion is based on a detailed report issued in August by John R. Lott, who is normally known for his pro-gun research. The 140-page report examines the voting rules in 43 European countries, as well as the rules for developed members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

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