Trump’s advisers desperately trying to ensure he doesn’t incriminate himself at CPAC: Maggie Haberman

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On CNN Tuesday, New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman said that former President Donald Trump’s advisers are worried he could say something at his speech at the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference that would incriminate him in the investigations into his business and conduct.

“Do you know what he’s going to say? Or what do you expect him to say?” said anchor John Berman.

“I’ve been told it’s going to be a very policy-focused speech,” said Haberman. “Whether that is true, as you know and whether he actually delivers what is on the page remains to be seen … He’s going to speak about immigration policy, because that’s one of the things Biden has had to focus on, trying to undo some of Trump’s immigration policies. So Trump knows that appeals to his base of supporters. You’ll see him talk about that. I think he’ll talk about President Biden rejoining the Iran nuclear deal.” Continue reading.