Trump Threatens Another Shutdown As Workers Struggle To Recover From His First One

While the Trump administration is threatening to shut down the government again, workers are still struggling to recover from Trump’s first temper tantrum, and the economy has already suffered lasting damage.

The Trump administration won’t rule out shutting down the government again over Trump’s unnecessary and ineffective border wall.

PBS’s Yamiche Alcindor: “Sarah Sanders isn’t ruling out another shutdown and says that people worried about the govt shutting down should call Democrats and urge them to negotiate. Buckle up, folks.”

Larry Kudlow on Trump shutting down the government again in three weeks: “We will see what happens.”

Consumer confidence hit an 18-month low largely as a result of the Trump Shutdown.

Bloomberg: “U.S. Consumer Confidence Falls to 18-Month Low Amid Shutdown”

The lowest-paid workers hurt by the Trump Shutdown down aren’t getting back pay.

The Washington Post: “The lowest-paid shutdown workers aren’t getting back pay”

The Washington Post: “Unlike the 800,000 career public servants who are slated to receive full back pay over the next week or so, the contractors who clean, guard, cook and shoulder other jobs at federal workplaces aren’t legally guaranteed a single penny. They’re also among the lowest-paid laborers in the government economy, generally earning between $450 and $650 weekly, union leaders say.”

It will take the IRS at least a year to recover from the Trump Shutdown, making it more difficult for taxpayers to get the help they need.

Los Angeles Times: “IRS will need at least a year to recover from government shutdown, watchdog tells lawmakers”

Los Angeles Times: “Internal Revenue Service offices have reopened after the partial shutdown of the U.S. government, but the agency told lawmakers it was facing millions of unanswered taxpayer letters, weeks behind schedule on training for workers and in need of hiring thousands of new employees for this tax filing season, according to two House aides.”