The following article by Tommy Christopher was posted on the website March 8, 2018:
Gary Cohn is sent off with an epithet popularized by Breitbart.

Trump economic adviser Gary Cohn resigned this week, and Trump bid him farewell by using what amounts to an anti-Semitic slur at a cabinet meeting.
Cohn, who did not resign after Trump called Nazis “very fine people,” finally quit this week after Trump announced tariffs that could lead to a trade war.
On Thursday morning, Trump told his assembled cabinet, “This is Gary Cohn’s last meeting in the cabinet, of the cabinet. He may be a globalist, but I still like him.”
“He’s seriously a globalist, there’s no question,” Trump continued. “You know what? In his own way, he’s a nationalist, because he loves our country.”
The term “globalist” evolved from a mere dogwhistle into an outright slur when white nationalist hub Breitbart used the term to describe Cohn in September, and mimicked the white supremacist code for Jewish people by bracketing it with three globe emojis.
Despite daughter Ivanka’s conversion to Judaism, Trump has displayed a deep and wide anti-Semitic streak that includes the aforementioned praise of Nazis, his failure to act on anti-Semitic threats and violence, and his history of senior advisers with Nazi and white Supremacist ties.
Cohn may have a high enough tolerance for Trump’s bigotry to laugh it off, but it underscores a shocking reality for the rest of us who can’t just walk away from Trump.
View the post here.