Trump pushes to allow new logging in Alaska’s Tongass National Forest

President Trump has instructed Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue to exempt Alaska’s 16.7-million-acre Tongass National Forest from logging restrictions imposed nearly 20 years ago, according to three people briefed on the issue, after privately discussing the matter with the state’s governor aboard Air Force One.

The move would affect more than half of the world’s largest intact temperate rainforest, opening it to potential logging, energy and mining projects. It would undercut a sweeping Clinton administration policy known as the “roadless rule,” which has survived a decades-long legal assault.

Trump has taken a personal interest in “forest management,” a term he told a group of lawmakers last year he has “redefined” since taking office.

View the complete August 27 article by Juliet Eilperin and Josh Dawsey on The Washington Post website here.

NOTE:  With the Amazon, the “lungs of the world”, losing a soccer field size piece of forest every minute, losing any trees that can help clean carbon from the air could increase the chance for climate disaster.

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