Trump makes his mark on courts amid impeachment storm

The Hill logoThe Hill logoPresident Trump and Senate Republicans have had extraordinary success pushing judicial nominees through the confirmation process at a rapid clip, giving the GOP reason to celebrate even as the White House is embroiled in an impeachment inquiry that’s dominating Washington.

Amid the impeachment hearings, the Trump administration has flipped the majorities of two appeals courts to Republican-appointed judges, meaning GOP appointees now outnumber Democrats on most of the nation’s circuit courts. That success has prompted conservative leaders to take victory laps in recent weeks.

Confirming ideologically conservative judges has been a top priority for Senate Republicans. Trump’s pace of filling vacancies on the top appellate courts, with the help of the GOP-controlled Senate, has eclipsed the numbers put up by every other president in recent decades.

View the complete November 25 article by Harper Neidig on The Hill website here.

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