‘Trump has a fantasy of dominating these women’: Clinical psychiatrist explains why the president is ‘aroused’ by conflict with female reporters

AlterNet logoAs we all ought to know by now, Donald Trump is an authoritarian and a would-be mad king. The coronavirus pandemic has only encouraged his worst impulses and behavior. There is no bottom to Trump’s addiction to cruelty, mayhem, lying and overall evil.

Republican “moderates” — who in reality follow Trump’s dictates almost to the letter — and other naïve and delusional souls in the media and pundit classes have kept hoping that Donald Trump would “learn his lesson” from impeachment and change his behavior. The truth is exactly the opposite.

More than 80,000 Americans are now dead from the coronavirus pandemic and the economy has been reduced to rubble. Trump clearly does not care about the former and is only concerned with how the latter will affect his chances of re-election in November. Continue reading.