Trump cites sketchy data — and makes it worse by mangling the details

The following article by Salvador RIzzo was posted on the Washington Post website August 6, 2018:

The president has a habit of touting his economic successes, but he often does so with dubious statistics. (The Washington Post)

“Ninety-five percent of American manufacturers are optimistic about their company’s outlook. And that’s the highest level, also, in history. And that’s an old survey. Been around a long time.”
— President Trump, in remarks at the White House, July 27, 2018

“Small-business optimism has reached an all-time high. It’s the highest it’s ever been recorded.”
— Trump, during a campaign rally in Las Vegas, June 23, 2018

“The Heritage Foundation just came out recently, and they said that we’ve already implemented 64 percent of our top agenda items. And that’s ahead of anybody, including Ronald Reagan.”
— Trump, in a round table on taxes in Las Vegas, June 23, 2018

These statistics from the National Association of Manufacturers, the National Federation of Independent Business and the Heritage Foundation seem to back up Trump’s bullish claims about his presidency.

View the complete article here.

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