Trump campaign is responsible for 15 percent of all debt owed to El Paso — and has yet to respond to invoices

AlterNet logoAlmost eight months ago on February 11, President Donald Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign held a Make America Great Again rally in El Paso, Texas — a heavily Democratic city in a Republican-leaning state. The expenses associated with the rally, from fire to police, cost the city hundreds of thousands of dollars — and according to a report by El Paso’s CBS TV affiliate, the Trump campaign has yet to pay any of the money that is due.

A month after the rally, the City of El Paso sent the Trump campaign a bill for $470,417.05 — and four months after that, when the bill was going unpaid, a one-time late fee of $98,787.58 was added. And CBS4 El Paso reports that according to the city, the Trump campaign still hasn’t paid any of the $569,204.63 that is owed.

Robert Cortinas, chief financial officer for El Paso’s city government, told CBS4 El Paso that in his city, “This is by far the largest invoice that is more than 90 days old.”

View the complete October 2 article by Alex Henderson on the AlterNet website here.