Trump bashed Nancy Pelosi for an impeachment quote. It actually came from a Fox News reporter.

Washington Post logoPresident Trump lashed out at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in a tweet early on Tuesday morning, misquoting her while characterizing the ongoing impeachment inquiry as a ploy to skirt around the 2020 election because “she thinks I will win.”

Trump weighed in on whether voters should decide his fate rather than Congress after Pelosi addressed that same argument against impeachment — a favorite among Republican lawmakers — in a statement earlier Monday.

Stressing the importance of the impeachment hearings, Pelosi said in a “Dear Colleague” memo,“The weak response to these hearings has been, ‘Let the election decide.’ That dangerous position only adds to the urgency of our action, because the President is jeopardizing the integrity of the 2020 elections.”

View the complete November 19 article by Meagan Flynn on The Washington Post website here.