Trump at rally says impeachment an ‘attack on democracy itself’

The Hill logoPresident Trump on Friday painted himself as the victim of an impeachment effort years in the making.

The president portrayed the investigation in harsh terms during a rally in Tupelo, Miss., equating it to a clandestine plot by his Democratic detractors. He decried the impeachment inquiry — a process laid out in the Constitution — as “an attack on democracy itself” and an effort to undo his 2016 election win.

“Yesterday, the Democrats voted to potentially nullify the votes of 63 million Americans, disgracing themselves and bringing shame upon the House of Representatives,” Trump said, referring to Thursday’s adopted House resolution that codifies an impeachment inquiry into his alleged abuse of power. “They’ve been plotting to overthrow the election since the moment I won.”

View the complete November 1 article by Brett Samuels on The Hill website here.