Trump administration faces an increasingly adversarial Congress — in both parties

President Trump is facing congressional members eager to assert themselves on matters of foreign policy and oversight. Credit: Jabin Botsford,, The Washington Post)

Senior Republicans are warning him away from a national emergency declaration to build a border wall. The top Senate leader is directly rebuking his national ­security policy in Syria and Afghanistan. And Democratic committee chairs are threatening subpoenas for his top officials.

For an administration that had largely been accommodated by Republican lawmakers during its first two years, President Trump is facing an increasingly adversarial Congress eager to assert itself on matters of foreign policy and oversight.

Senate Republicans — fresh off a bruising fight over the longest government shutdown in history — are sending fresh signals of discontent, challenging the administration on foreign policy and imploring it to stay out, for now, of talks to avert another shutdown next month.

View the complete January 30 article by Seung Min Kim, Sean Sullivan and Josh Dawsey on The Washington Post website here.