Top GOP congressman admits Ivanka may have broken the law

Republicans in Congress tried to sweep it under the rug a year ago, but now the scandal over Ivanka’s emails has gotten too big to ignore.

Credit: CBS

As Shareblue reported Tuesday, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), the outgoing chairman of the House Oversight Committee, stonewalled an investigation into Ivanka Trump’s potentially improper email use a year before it became a public scandal.

But now that he can’t avoid it anymore, Gowdy is finally admitting Ivanka may have broken the law when she used a private email account to conduct government business.

“Ms. Trump’s use of a personal email account for official communications may implicate the Presidential Records Act and other security and recordkeeping requirements,” Gowdy wrote in a letter to the White House requesting a briefing on the email issue.

View the complete November 21 article by Oliver Willis on the ShareBlue.com website here.

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