Tim Pawlenty Announces Run for Governor

Yesterday, former Minnesota Governor, Tim Pawlenty, announced his campaign for governor of Minnesota. When Pawlenty left office in 2011, he left the state of Minnesota in economic shambles. Huge budget deficits, underfunded schools, and crumbling infrastructure are all parts of his legacy. Returning now from a lucrative job lobbying for Wall Street, Pawlenty is asking Minnesotans to overlook his failures, forget their hardships, and grant him another term as governor. 

“Minnesota needs a governor who will fight for everyday families. That’s not Tim Pawlenty.” said DFL Chairman Ken Martin. “As governor, he deprived thousands of Minnesotans of affordable health care. He jeopardized our children’s education. He devastated our budget, and left roads and bridges across the state to crumble.”

“From health care to education to infrastructure, Pawlenty failed our state.” Martin continued “We need an honest leader who will fight to build a better Minnesota-not a Wall Street lobbyist who cares more about the wealthy man than everyday families.”

Click here to view the DFL’s return of Tim Pawlenty video.

Categories: State Issues
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