The Risks in Betsy DeVos’ Rethink of Higher Education

Credit: Carolyn Kaster, Associated Press

In its first two years, the Trump administration bent over backwards to gut Obama administration regulations designed to hold colleges or programs accountable for ripping off students. Now, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is kicking 2019 off with an attempt to dismantle bedrock protections created decades ago that define what it means to receive a college education and the role gatekeepers play in conducting quality oversight.

This week, the U.S. Department of Education detailed exactly how it plans to accomplish its goals. The elimination of these protections risks the proliferation of poor-quality schools in the name of innovation, leading to more dead ends and broken promises for students.

Efforts to implement these changes kick off next week and negotiations will take months. But the Center for American Progress got its first look at what exactly the Trump administration hopes to accomplish. Here are the five biggest risks in the Department’s agenda.

View the complete January 9 article by Antoinette Flores on the Center for American Progress website here.