Refusal to compromise with Democrats benefits extremists

To the Editor:

Imagine you’re in a group of 30 people. You need to get a majority of them to agree on where you’ll go for lunch. Pretty easy, right? But wait, some friends say: “We don’t like 13 of them – so don’t negotiate with those ones. Just get the other 17 to agree.”

But of those 17, five of them won’t compromise. They only want to go to that terrible sandwich shop down the road, where everything’s too greasy and tastes like cardboard. You beg and plead, but they don’t budge. So you end up not getting lunch at all.

Seems pretty silly, right? Don’t you want to at least talk to those 13 others and see if you can find a compromise with them? Continue reading “Refusal to compromise with Democrats benefits extremists”

With seat in jeopardy, Erik Paulsen suddenly becomes an environmentalist

The following article by Hannah Jones was posted on the CityPages website July 13, 2018:

Though Erik Paulsen’s environmental record borders on cartoon villainy, his new campaign ad presents him as the hero the Boundary Waters needs. Credit: YouTube Screen Capture

Eden Prairie Republican Rep. Erik Paulsen’s new campaign commercial opens with soulful piano music and a zoom in on a family photo album. Then comes Paulsen, in voiceover form:

“My parents taught me to love the outdoors,” he says. “I camp and canoe with my family in Minnesota’s Yellowstone: the Boundary Waters.”

The Boundary Waters are a gem for outdoor enthusiasts — 234,000 acres of untouched wilderness, miles from any human activity. And as the congressman sees it, they represent a key difference between his politics and those of President Donald Trump. Continue reading “With seat in jeopardy, Erik Paulsen suddenly becomes an environmentalist”

The Trump Economy

Trump and the Republican Party sold Americans out. This is Trump’s scheme – to keep America great for the rich and powerful, while making it harder for everyone else to succeed.

Trump fuels corporate greed and will always empower wealthy special interests. Trump’s most consistent policy is to help CEOs and rich corporations while hurting workers and families. Look at all he’s done so far:

  • TRUMP TAX: Trump and Republicans passed a tax bill that gives massive new tax breaks to big corporations and more than 80% of the benefits to the top 1% by the end of the decade. CEOs have used these massive giveaways to further enrich themselves, but not to benefit their workers.

Trump tells Democrats ‘Don’t RESIST’ in despotic declaration

The following article by Tommy Christopher was posted on the website June 24, 2018:

Trump reaches further into authoritarianism every day.

After a terrible week that saw him surrender to public outrage over his child confiscation policy, Trump let his dictatorial streak come through by demanding that his political opposition stop trying to check him.

In a series of tweets Sunday, Trump also demanded the elimination of due process, and referred to immigrants like the children he has imprisoned as “invaders.” Continue reading “Trump tells Democrats ‘Don’t RESIST’ in despotic declaration”

Erik Paulsen Votes Against Protections for Pre-Existing Conditions

Original Photo: Craig Lassig, MinnPost

Yesterday, Congressman Erik Paulsen voted along with all of his Republican colleagues on the House Ways and Means Committee against a measure to protect individuals with pre-existing conditions from discrimination. In Minnesota’s 3rd Congressional District, there are 310,200 people with pre-existing conditions. DCCC spokesperson Rachel Irwin released the following statement:

“Congressman Erik Paulsen has once again sided with party bosses and special interests in Washington over his constituents, voting to allow insurance companies to deny coverage to the hundreds of thousands of people in his district with asthma, diabetes, and other pre-existing conditions. Minnesotans will remember this betrayal in November as healthcare is top of mind for voters.”

This vote comes just a few weeks after Rep. Paulsen’s spokesperson, said in a statement to the Star Tribune that, “Rep. [Erik] Paulsen has long supported protections for individuals with pre-existing conditions, and he continues to do so.”

Here are the facts: Paulsen has taken more than $1.2 million from the insurance industry and voted dozens of times to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which would’ve eliminated protections for those with pre-existing conditions. In 2017, he voted for the AHCA, which the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office and Politifact confirmed would gut protections for those with pre-existing conditions, including making health insurance unaffordable for older Americans and jack up premiums. Paulsen has also failed to stand up to Trump’s administration ongoing efforts to dismantle pre-existing conditions protections.

House narrowly passes farm bill that includes stricter work requirements for food stamps, a month after failing on first try

NOTE:  Rep. Paulsen voted FOR this bill, which was supported by Pres. Trump.

The following article by Caitlin Dewey and Erica Werner was posted on the Washington Post website June 21, 2018:

A deeply polarizing farm bill narrowly passed the House on Thursday, a month after the legislation went down to stunning defeat after getting ensnared in the toxic politics of immigration.

The legislation, which passed 213 to 211 with 20 Republicans joining Democrats in their unanimous opposition, includes new work rules for most adult food-stamp recipients — provisions that are dead on arrival in the Senate. The massive legislative package overseeing more than $430 billion of food and agriculture programs over five years contains a host of measures aimed at strengthening farm subsidies, expanding foreign trade and bolstering rural development. Continue reading “House narrowly passes farm bill that includes stricter work requirements for food stamps, a month after failing on first try”

Dean Phillips on Erik Paulsen and Special Interest Money

“Erik Paulsen has taken more special interest money than nearly any other member of Congress, and that buys him nice TV ads. Unfortunately, this is just another misrepresentation of truth from Rep. Paulsen – who has consistently voted against environmental protections during his 30 year political career. To understand why, you just have to follow the money. I believe voters will see through this election year posturing and vote this November for someone who is not beholden to special interests or party leadership.”


League of Conservation Voters: Erik Paulsen has a 16% lifetime score.

Clean Water Action 2016 Scorecard: Erik Paulsen 0%.

Environment America: Erik Paulsen has a 15% score for 2017.

FiveThirtyEight: Erik Paulsen votes with President Trump 97.6% of the time.

Open Secrets: Erik Paulsen has taken the 8th most PAC money in the US House of Representatives.

Don’t blame this on the Democrats

To the Editor:

Congressman Erik Paulsen says that to get something done for DACA recipients, we can’t “let an activist base that hates the president stand in the way.”

Really? Does the Congressman need to be reminded that President Donald Trump is the one who ended DACA? Or that the Republican Party has been holding DREAMers hostage to achieve their policy goals?

If Erik Paulsen truly cared about giving DREAMers a path to citizenship, he would have insisted on a solution long ago, one independent of any other legislation. Instead he caters to the extremes of his party, only acting on DACA in conjunction with new, far-right border security policies.

Don’t blame this on the Democrats, Erik. It’s your party and your president that created this crisis

Sarah Eigenmann, Plymouth
Plymouth Sun-Sailor, July 10, 2018

Paulsen is a talented politician, but Phillips has more enthusiasm

To the Editor:

I have lived in the 3rd Congressional District for many years now and have seen Erik Paulsen serve as our congressperson for the last 10 years. There is no question that he is a talented politician, having won re-election five times now, against talented challengers. That said, I believe that this is the year that his winning streak ends. I don’t have any secret polling or information, but rather I draw on my recent experience at the Edina Independence Day Parade.

While Congressman Paulsen walked with a respectable group of 20 or so supporters, Dean Phillips led a raucous group of more than 200 people. I believe that kind of enthusiasm reflects the energy within the Dean Phillips campaign. It is fitting that this was at the Independence Day parade, since Dean Phillips has pledged to be an independent leader for all of the 3rd District. Not just Republicans or Democrats, but everyone. And that’s the kind of leadership that wins races!

Rick Bloomfield, Minnetonka
Minnetonka Sun-Sailor, July 10, 2018

Paulsen’s column raises questions

Regarding Erik Paulsen’s self-congratulatory column of June 25, Erik Paulsen has, among others, a problem with the truth,

In his “look at me” piece, he claims that the immigration bill that he big, bad Democratic “activist base” and recalcitrant Republicans — about time — won’t pass provides for “a permanent solution for young DACA recipients.” Continue reading “Paulsen’s column raises questions”