The Mueller Indictments of Russian Intelligence Officers

Credit: Washington Post

What we need to remember moving forward.  This investigation isn’t a witch hunt.  With this many guilty pleas and indictment, there IS a “there there”.

The Russian government attacked our democracy in 2016 and the Democratic National Committee was a primary target of this attack. Those are the facts.

The July 13 indictment gives us a detailed and disturbing look at just how sophisticated, well-funded, and wide-ranging Russia’s attack on our democracy really was. It should send chills up the spine of every American.

The Department of Justice indictment added details such as Russian intelligence officers’ intrusion into the website of a state election board and theft of information related to approximately 500,000 voters.

And, still Trump refuses to condemn the Kremlin’s attack on our democracy or take steps to defend our elections against future attacks. Instead of standing up for our democracy, Trump has repeatedly put his own selfish interests ahead of our national security.

  • In 2016, the Trump campaign stood by while Russia interfered with our election and did nothing but encourage the Kremlin to continue.

  • Despite Trump’s intelligence chiefs saying they fully expect Russia to attack our elections again this year, FBI Director Wray said that Trump has not specifically directed his agency to prevent future interference.

  • The American people deserve to know the truth and the special counsel’s investigation is ongoing. The Kremlin’s efforts to disrupt our electoral process have grave implications for our democracy.

  • Donald Trump and his Republican enablers’ efforts to discredit these established facts only embolden Putin’s Russia and invite further attacks on our country.

It’s long past time for him and his allies in the GOP to stop ignoring this urgent threat to our national security.

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