The ‘Mooch’ Dumps On Trump In Scorching Vanity Fair Interview

While President Donald Trump continues to have many cheerleaders on the right — from Attorney General William Barr to Sen. Lindsey Graham to Fox News’ Sean Hannity — some former champions of Trump have turned into adversaries. One conservative who recently went from Trump defender to Trump foe is former White House Communications Chief Anthony Scaramucci, who doesn’t hesitate to express his disdain for the president in a candid Q&A interview with Vanity Fair’s William D. Cohan.

Asked why he finally turned against the president after being such a vehement defender in the past, Scaramucci told Vanity Fair that he grew fed up with the president’s overwhelming narcissism.

“The red line was the racism — full-blown racism,” Scaramucci asserts. “He can say that he’s not a racist, and I agree with him, OK? And let me explain to you why he’s not a racist, ’cause this is very important. He’s actually worse than a racist. He is so narcissistic, he doesn’t see people as people. He sees them as objects in his field of vision. And so therefore, that’s why he has no empathy.”

View the complete August 18 article by Alex Henderson from AlterNet on the National Memo website here.