We’re one year past the Charlottesville tragedy, and Trump has only further cemented his status as a divider. Rather than work to ease racial tensions and bridge cultural divides in America, the president has made it clear that he prefers to use division as a tool to rally his base.
We have not forgotten that the leader of this country openly and unapologetically defended the alt-right, white supremacists, and Neo-Nazis. Every time Trump insults black leaders, tweets about anthem protests, or uses racist and offensive language, he continues to divide our country.
Democrats have denounced in the strongest possible terms the hatred, bigotry, and racism that led to the senseless murder of an innocent woman at the Charlottesville protests. Democrats believe that there’s no room for this sort of brutality in America.
Democrats believe in a future of inclusion and opportunity for all Americans. Absolutely no one should fear for their safety because of the color of their skin.
Diversity is our nation’s greatest strength, and any actions that make this country less inclusive are inherently un-American. We’ll fight tooth and nail against any attempts to divide our country.