Erik Paulsen plans to teach his constituents civility. While hiding from them.

The following article by Pete Kotz was posted on the CityPages website February 6, 2018:

Republican Erik Paulsen, Minnesota’s most corrupt congressman, is about to teach you how to be a better human being.

Paulsen is among the most partisan members of Congress, voting with Trump 98 percent of the time and routinely carrying the water of his biggest donors. Credit: Fibonacci Blue

He’s an inaugural member of the Congressional Civility and Respect Caucus, in which the blowhards, ankle-biters, and rabid vermin of America’s most depraved institution will hold themselves out as beacons of social etiquette.

Yes, it will get weird.

Members of the newly formed group plan to tour their districts to “promote the use of a respectful dialogue on tough issues.” This, according to Paulsen, will allow us to live in something akin to peace and togetherness. Or, in other words, not behave anything like Congress.

“No one party has a monopoly on good ideas,” Paulsen announced in the group’s press release. “And I believe this caucus will help foster an environment to cooperate, work together, and find common ground on solutions that help Minnesota and our country.” Continue reading “Erik Paulsen plans to teach his constituents civility. While hiding from them.”