The following article by Steven Rosenfeld was posted on the AlterNet website September 15, 2017:
From Trump’s “election integrity” commission to Mitch McConnell, the GOP targets the levers of power.

The Republican Party’s efforts to disrupt voting and thwart representative government was on full display this past week, when despite ridicule in the press, the GOP’s leading proponents of undermining voters and rigging elections were unbowed and forged ahead.
First came Kris Kobach’s willfully incorrect—but headline-grabbing—accusation on that more than 5,000 people illegally voted last fall in New Hampshire, delivering an Electoral College majority to Hillary Clinton and a U.S. senate seat to a Democrat. Kobach, an attorney whose anti-immigrant activism launched his career, is the Kansas secretary of state, a current gubernatorial candidate, and co-chair of President Trump’s Orwellian-titled “election integrity” commission. Kobach was caught mangling some Republican-produced data about New Hampshire college students who were perfectly legal voters to make his false claim about presumed Democrats voting illegally. Continue reading “The GOP Is Plowing Ahead with an Audacious Effort to Hijack the Vote and Rig Elections”