New Russian hacks raise alarms in US

Red Square and the Kremlin in Moscow. Credit: Yuri Kadobnov, AFP, Getty Images)

Russian hackers have recently been linked to cyberattacks targeting critical infrastructure in other countries, raising concerns about the nation’s ability to target U.S. utilities.

Security firm FireEye this week said a Russian-linked research institute likely helped develop malicious software that was used to shut down a Saudi petrochemical plant last year. And research firm ESET said earlier this month that it uncovered a new hacking group, allegedly tied to Russia, that targeted companies in Ukraine and Poland.

Officials have been warning for months of a Russian campaign on the U.S. power grid. The new reports reveal the extent of the Moscow-tied hackers’ work, and the threat they pose to critical U.S. infrastructure.

View the complete October 26 article by Jacqueline Thomsen on the Hill website here.

Sen. Klobuchar: Infrastructure: the bipartisan job creator rural America needs

The following commentary by Sen. Amy Klobuchar was posted on the Brainerd Dispatch website January 29, 2018:

Infrastructure is one of the smartest investments we can make in our country. It allows businesses to grow and compete. It keep us safe. It creates millions of jobs—good paying jobs that cannot be outsourced overseas. And, it’s bipartisan. It’s one of the first things President Trump said he wanted to get done after he was elected.

The time has come to work together to get this done, and get it done right. We cannot let another year go by without action.

The good news is, there are bipartisan solutions already on the table. As a member of the Commerce and Agriculture committees, I have long supported leveraging direct funding and public-private partnerships to rebuild and reinvest in our infrastructure. One bipartisan idea I’ve been working on is to create an infrastructure bank that would help increase private sector infrastructure spending. It would also direct funding to projects in rural areas so that smaller communities can make much-needed infrastructure improvements. This type of innovative financing tool could jumpstart critical projects in Minnesota and across the country. Continue reading “Sen. Klobuchar: Infrastructure: the bipartisan job creator rural America needs”