The following article by Margaret Carlson was posted on the Daily Beast website December 26, 2017:
Why is the president leaving so many high-level positions unfilled? Because to Trump, the government is Trump. Plus his Cabinet members don’t want smart people to challenge them.

Here is what President Donald Trump likes about his job: open-press events where he is called the greatest president ever, making deals where he doesn’t have to master what’s in it, golfing more than any of his predecessors, TV (watching and being watched), and flooding the courts.
What he doesn’t like: governing. His contempt for what public servants do was expressed early on: “I’m generally not going to make a lot of the appointments that would normally be—because you don’t need them. I mean, you look at some of these agencies, how massive they are, and it’s totally unnecessary.” This came after he was surprised that everyone below Cabinet level didn’t just stay in place. Continue reading “The Ugly, Sad (!) Truth Behind All Those Government Vacancies”