When Trump calls someone a dog, he’s tapping into ugly history

The news was recently filled with stories about Trump’s praise for Conan, the Belgian Malinois used to hunt Islamic State Group founder and leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, alongside his vivid accounts of al-Baghdadi’s “death like a dog.”

Calling someone a dog is more than a throwaway insult. My scholarship focuses on representations of race and animals in literature and popular culture.

In my view, Trump’s comments echo a troubled history of using dogs as weapons against people of color, as well as pejorative depictions of people of color as animals.

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Becerra: Trump showing us he is a racist

The following article by John Bowden was posted on the Hill website January 14, 2018:

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California Attorney General Xavier Becerra (D) said Sunday that President Trump has revealed himself to be racist with reported comments calling Haiti, El Salvador and several African nations “shithole countries.”

“In every respect what he is showing us is that he is a racist,” Becerra said on “Fox News Sunday.”

“Let me put it to you this way,” the former congressman continued. “Mental instability, mendacity, now bigotry, having any one of those in the White House is dangerous, having the combination, that’s lethal.” Continue reading “Becerra: Trump showing us he is a racist”