In North Carolina, the former president took aim at Biden and Fauci and — falsely — claimed the 2020 race was stolen.
GREENVILLE, NC — Never before in U.S. history has a former president returned to the campaign trail to claim that his election loss was fraudulent.
But in his informal reemergence on the political scene before the GOP faithful at the North Carolina GOP convention in Greenville, Donald Trump did just that, insisting — falsely — that the 2020 race was stolen and corrupt.
“The evidence is too voluminous to even mention,” Trump said at one point. Tellingly, he never mentioned it, choosing instead to insist that dead people had voted, that Facebook had encouraged get out the vote drives in liberal enclaves, and that “Indians” were paid to vote (ostensibly referring to Native Americans) — none of it supported by fact. “It was a third world election like we’ve never seen before,” he said. Continue reading.