Former Trump Org VP: ‘He May Quit’ Over Impeachment

Appearing on CNN’s Reliable Sources on a day when the White House refused to provide the morning cable TV shows with anyone who might defend Donald Trump, a former high-ranking executive in the Trump Organization said it is apparent the president is unraveling at the prospect of being impeached.

Speaking with CNN host Brian Stelter, Barbara Res — who was a principal in getting Trump Tower built — said Trump seems to be in a downward spiral.

“Telling the Russians that he didn’t care about election meddling, that was a stupid thing to have said,” she explained. “I never thought of him as stupid, that surprised me. Otherwise, no, this is Trump. Sometimes I say Trump-squared, since I knew him. He’s had many, many years of fame and fortune, getting richer, now he does believe he’s a stable genius and does believe he can shoot somebody on 5th Avenue, and so far it looks like he can.”

View the complete October 7 article by Tom Boggioni from AlterNet on the National Memo website here.