‘It feels like a horror movie’: Republicans feel anxious and adrift defending Trump

Washington Post logoRepublican senators are lost and adrift as the impeachment inquiry enters its second month, navigating the grave threat to President Trump largely in the dark, frustrated by the absence of a credible case to defend his conduct and anxious about the historic reckoning that probably awaits them.

Recent days have delivered the most damaging testimony yet about Trump and his advisers commandeering Ukraine policy for the president’s personal political goals, which his allies on Capitol Hill sought to undermine by storming the deposition room and condemning the inquiry as secretive and corrupt.

Those theatrics belie the deepening unease many Republicans now say they feel — particularly those in the Senate who are dreading having to weigh their conscience against their political calculations in deciding whether to convict or acquit Trump should the Democratic-controlled House impeach the president.

View the complete October 28 article by Robert Costa and Philip Rucker on The Washington Post website here.

Military Officials Say Trump’s Betrayal Is ‘Really Not Good For Us’

Trump’s chaotic and reckless decision to abandon Syria’s Kurds has endangered U.S. troops, pushed Kurdish forces into an alliance with Syria and Russia, and endangered our national security. And now, our own military, defense officials, and even Trump’s own administration are speaking out against his impulsive decision.

US troops, defense officials, and even Trump’s own administration are speaking out against Trump. They say his decision is “really not good for us” and that “it’s pretty messed up.”

“It’s pretty messed up what’s happening out here.” – US special forces soldier “This is really not good for us.” – US defense official

“How do we expect anyone to partner with us now?” – US defense official Continue reading “Military Officials Say Trump’s Betrayal Is ‘Really Not Good For Us’”