Trump’s messy attempt to clean up unwelcome coronavirus vaccine news

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President Trump is putting a lot of his reelection hopes on one thing: the imminent arrival of a coronavirus vaccine that he and his administration can take credit for.

We got a glimpse Wednesday of just how dependent the president is on convincing Americans a vaccine is coming to end this pandemic in months.

Earlier in the day, a top public health official in his administration said something that doesn’t jibe with that. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention DirectorRobert Redfield said that even if a vaccine were ready and approved by this fall or winter, it wouldn’t be ready to be widely distributed to Americans until spring or summer 2021. Continue reading.

Fauci Again Challenges White House Over False Optimism On Virus

Dr. Anthony Fauci painted a worrying portrait of White House’s coronavirus task force in a new interview with ABC News, suggesting it is sharply out of touch with the reality of the pandemic

In the interview, Fauci “was pressed to explain why, months after COVID-19 first reached U.S. soil, the U.S. government is still struggling to provide adequate testing for Americans and sufficient personal protective gear for essential workers” — and the immunologist responded, “We keep hearing when we go to these task force meetings that these (issues) are being corrected. But yet, when you go into the trenches, you still hear about that.”

Fauci told ABC News he doesn’t have a “good answer” and “cannot explain” why the U.S. government has been dropping the ball when it comes to coronavirus testing and personal protective equipment. Continue reading.