Conservative writer explains why Trump’s ‘Obamagate’ conspiracy theory shows he’s living in an ‘alternate reality’

AlterNet logoAt a press conference on Monday, President Donald Trump railed against his Democratic predecessor, Barack Obama —referencing some “terrible” and illegal things that, Trump claimed, happened under “Obamagate.” But Trump refused to tell reporters what “Obamagate” is and asserted, “You know what the crime is.” Never Trump conservative Tim Miller, in an article for The Bulwark published this week, explains the bizarre background behind “Obamagate” and why it is a “stupid” conspiracy theory even by Trumpian standards.

Miller, who served as communications director for former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and has been active in the Republican National Committee, writes, “Trump’s deranged Mother’s Day tweetstorm and the halfhearted trolling of his predecessor at his Monday press conference seem like just a couple more examples of the mad king feeding his fans a juicy porterhouse — in this case, a theory about President Obama’s supposed crimes that is so stupid that even the president himself can’t answer the most basic question about it.”

Miller previously wrote about “Obamagate” in The Bulwark in October 2019, and he notes that the conspiracy is as follows: “Four years ago, there was a global conspiracy — comprised of President Obama, Vice President Biden, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Director Jim Comey, much of the FBI, the DNC, a company called CrowdStrike, multiple foreign intelligence services, and Ukrainian oligarchs — to undermine Donald Trump by planting a phony conspiracy theory that he was colluding with the Russians to win the 2016 election. These deep state operators framed several top Trump officials, fabricated evidence, and spied on the campaign with the end goal of committing the biggest fraud in American history in order to derail Trump.” Continue reading.