The US Compiled A Secret List Of Journalists, Attorneys, And Activists To Question At The Border

“It starts to smack of dictatorship or the persecution of actors and press during the Red Scare,” a senior ICE official not involved in the matter told BuzzFeed News.

US immigration officials compiled a secret database containing information on dozens of reporters, attorneys, and activists to stop for questioning at the southern border and, in some cases, deny entry to Mexico.

The list, obtained by San Diego’s NBC affiliate, appears to have been made in connection to a caravan of immigrants that traveled from Central America to the US–Mexico border at the end of 2018, drawing reporters from across the US to cover the events and attorneys representing the people in the caravan.

The database, which included 10 journalists, at least one US attorney, and 47 others who were listed as “organizers” or “instigators” contained passport pictures and notes on whether each individual had been arrested or interviewed.

View the complete March 7 article by Salvador Hernandez on the BuzzFeed website here.

Prosecuting Political Opponents—The Stuff Of Dictators

Trump Doesn’t Understand that Presidents Don’t Turn Whims Into Criminal Prosecutions

The import of what Trump had in mind when he expressed wanting to prosecute his political opponents criminally is still sinking in.

Such an action certainly would have been a deep abuse of power and probably grounds for impeachment. Yet, in the current run of acts and words from the Oval Office, it is passing as just another hyperbolic bombshell from a president bent on breaking all rules, traditions and limitations.

As such, it is as sad a commentary on current affairs as it is an outrage. We ought to be fitting Trump with a tin hat to match his dictator ambitions.

View the complete November 23 article by Terry H. Schwadron on the website here.