Health-care law more popular despite Trump’s repeated attempts to destroy it

President Trump has begun a fresh assault on the Affordable Care Act, declaring his intent to come up with a new health-care plan and backing a state-led lawsuit to eliminate the entire law.

But Trump and Republicans face a major problem: The 2010 law known as Obamacare has become more popular and enmeshed in the country’s health-care system over time. Thirty-six states and the District of Columbia have expanded Medicaid — including more than a dozen run by Republicans — and 25 million more Americans are insured, with millions more enjoying coverage that is more comprehensive because of the law.

Even Republicans who furiously fought the creation of the law and won elections with the mantra of repeal and replace speak favorably of President Barack Obama’s signature domestic achievement.

View the complete April 13 article by Paige Winfield Cunningham on The Washington Post website here.

Trump’s regulatory rollbacks, from net neutrality to campus sex assault

The following article by Suzy Khimm was posted on the NBC News website December 22, 2017:

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has celebrated his regulatory rollbacks as one of the biggest triumphs of his first year in office.

While he’s struggled for legislative wins — the passage of the GOP tax bill being the only major exception — his administration has wielded the executive branch’s authority to shape scores of federal rules and reverse Obama-era policies on everything from climate change to campus sexual assault. He boasted in a speech at the White House in mid-December that his administration had eliminated 22 old regulations for every new one it had issued.

By certain measures, Trump has overstated his success. Fully eliminating rules that are already on the books is typically a time-consuming and onerous process. Instead, his administration has focused on stopping or delaying proposed regulations that have yet to take effect, and many of these rules are still being developed or weren’t poised to take effect anyway, as Bloomberg News reported recently. Federal courts have also curtailed some of Trump’s major deregulatory efforts. Continue reading “Trump’s regulatory rollbacks, from net neutrality to campus sex assault”