As a willing warrior for Trump, Sarah Sanders struggles to maintain credibility

The following article by Ashley Parker, Josh Dawsey and Philip Rucker was posed on the Washington Post website May 4, 2018:

Sarah Sanders was peppered with questions about the admission that President Trump repaid lawyer Michael Cohen for a hush agreement with Stormy Daniels. (Reuters)

The West Wing shouting match was so loud that more than a dozen staffers heard it.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders cursed and yelled at White House Counsel Donald McGahn during the February confrontation, according to two people familiar with the episode. Misleading statements about the domestic abuse scandal that felled staff secretary Rob Porter had dragged the administration into a maelstrom of chaos and contradictory public statements. Continue reading “As a willing warrior for Trump, Sarah Sanders struggles to maintain credibility”

‘Let us do our job’: Anger erupts over EPA’s apparent muzzling of scientists

The following article by Brady Dennis and Juliet Eilperin was posted on the Washington Post website October 23, 2017:

Protesters gather Monday outside a meeting where a report on the Narragansett Bay, which included a focus on climate change, was to be released in Providence, R.I. The Environmental Protection Agency prohibited three scientists from speaking at the event. (Michelle R. Smith/AP)

The Trump administration’s decision to prevent government scientists from presenting climate change-related research at a conference in Rhode Island on Monday gave the event a suddenly high profile, with protesters outside, media inside and angry lawmakers and academics criticizing the move.

“This type of political interference, or scientific censorship — whatever you want to call it — is ill-advised and does a real disservice to the American public and public health,” Sen. Jack Reed (D), Rhode Island’s senior senator, said at an opening news conference for the State of Narragansett Bay and Its Watershed event in Providence. “We can debate the issues. We can have different viewpoints. But we should all be able to objectively examine the data and look at the evidence.” Continue reading “‘Let us do our job’: Anger erupts over EPA’s apparent muzzling of scientists”

Republicans Disregarded the C.B.O., but It Won’t Be Ignored

The following article by Margot Sanger-Katz was posted on the New York Times website May 5, 2017:

Now that the House has passed its big health care bill, it will find out what that bill could actually do.

The Congressional Budget Office, Washington’s nonpartisan scorekeeper, did not have time to evaluate the effects of the American Health Care Act before Thursday’s vote, since the bill was being amended until just before passage. But the budget office will not ignore the health law, and next week it is expected to release detailed estimates of how many people will be covered by the bill, and at what cost to the government.

Several senators have said they won’t proceed with the bill until they know more about its effects.

Republicans’ reluctance to wait for updated estimates became a rallying cry among Democrats critical of the bill. Democrats called out “Where’s the score?” on the House floor Thursday during debate over the bill.

Continue reading “Republicans Disregarded the C.B.O., but It Won’t Be Ignored”

Top Pentagon watchdog launches investigation into money that Michael Flynn received from foreign groups

The following article by Dan Lamonthe, Ed O’Keefe and Sean Sullivan was posted on the Washington Post website April 27, 2017:

The Pentagon’s top watchdog has launched an investigation into money that former national security adviser and retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn received from foreign groups and whether he failed to obtain proper approval to do so, lawmakers and defense officials said Thursday.

The Pentagon has in the past advised retiring officers that because they can be recalled to military service, they are subject to the Constitution’s rarely enforced emoluments clause, which prohibits top officials from receiving payments or favors from foreign governments. Continue reading “Top Pentagon watchdog launches investigation into money that Michael Flynn received from foreign groups”