The following article by Danielle Root was posted on the Center for American Progress website February 1, 2017:

Nominee for Health and Human Services Secretary Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) pauses while testifying on Capitol Hill in Washington, January 24, 2017, at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Finance Committee.
Rep. Tom Price’s (R-GA) nomination to be the new secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services is under a heavy ethical cloud. Price is alleged to have engaged in dubious ethical decisions at best and corrupt dealings that violate the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge, or STOCK, Act at worst. The STOCK Act prohibits members of Congress from making “investment decisions based on insider information they might come across because of their congressional role.”
There is evidence, for example, that Rep. Price received a tip from Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) to purchase stock from an Australian biomedical firm, Innate Immunotherapeutics Inc. Collins, who sits Continue reading “Rep. Tom Price’s STOCK Act Scandal”