Trump administration releases report finding ‘no convincing alternative explanation’ for climate change

The following article by Chris Mooney, Juliet Eilperin and Brady Dennis was posted on the Washington Post website November 3, 2017:

The government’s National Climate Assessment released on Nov. 3 cited human influence as the “dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century.” (Patrick Martin/The Washington Post)

This story has been updated.

The Trump administration released a dire scientific report Friday calling human activity the dominant driver of global warming, a conclusion at odds with White House decisions to withdraw from a key international climate accord, champion fossil fuels and reverse Obama-era climate policies.

To the surprise of some scientists, the White House did not seek to prevent the release of the government’s National Climate Assessment, which is mandated by law. The report affirms that climate change is driven almost entirely by human action, warns of a worst-case scenario where seas could rise as high as eight feet by the year 2100, and details climate-related damage across the United States that is already unfolding as a result of an average global temperature increase of 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit since 1900. Continue reading “Trump administration releases report finding ‘no convincing alternative explanation’ for climate change”

Pressure On Sessions Rises As Democrats Call For Him To Clarify Testimony On Russia

The following article by Nick Visser and video was posted on the Huffington Post website November 2, 2017:

“I am deeply troubled that this newest revelation strongly suggests that the Senate — and the American public — cannot trust your word,” wrote Sen. Al Franken.

Senate Democrats have called on Jeff Sessions to clarify just how much he knew about attempts by the Russian government to influence the 2016 presidential election, following revelations that the attorney general was previously in a meeting with former Trump campaign aide-turned special counsel cooperator George Papadopoulos.

Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) demanded that Sessions clarify his past statements and Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) has asked the attorney general to once again appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee following the indictments this week of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafortand his longtime associate Rick Gates as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

Continue reading “Pressure On Sessions Rises As Democrats Call For Him To Clarify Testimony On Russia”

Trump on lack of nominees: ‘I am the only one that matters’

The following article by Jesse Byrnes was posted on the Hill website November 2, 2017:

President Trump pushed back Thursday on concerns about a lack of nominees for key positions at the State Department, arguing it wouldn’t affect his agenda.

“Let me tell you, the one that matters is me, I’m the only one that matters because when it comes to it that’s what the policy is going to be,” Trump said on Fox News when pressed about vacancies by Laura Ingraham. Continue reading “Trump on lack of nominees: ‘I am the only one that matters’”

Stuck in Reverse

The following article by Susan Milligan was posted on the U.S. News and World Report website November 3, 2017:

From President Trump to Congress, official Washington is focused on the past – not a way forward.

Credit: Charlie Archambault for USN&WR

Last year was arguably one of the most bitter and divisive campaign seasons in recent American history. And Washington seems determined to keep re-living it and re-litigating it.

Investigations on Capitol Hill and in the Justice Department are focused on how Russia interfered with the U.S. election, and whether Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with the foreign nation. Another inquiry is focused on whether millions of people voted illegally last year. Lawmakers in both parties are putting the spotlight on social media companies, asking if they enabled “fake news” that influenced voters. Continue reading “Stuck in Reverse”

Major, Major’ Tax Cut May Not Be in Store for Middle Class

The following article by Jim Tankersley was posted on the New York Times website November 2, 2017:

The Republican tax plan would make it difficult for middle class people looking to buy starter houses in high-priced, economically vibrant areas such as Silicon Valley and New York. Credit Jim Wilson/The New York Times

WASHINGTON — The House Republican tax bill is a clear windfall for corporate America and a roll of the dice for the middle-class families that President Trump promised would be the centerpiece of his economic agenda.

Early projections suggest the bill would cut taxes for an average middle-class family. But the typical cut could be relatively modest, compared with the benefits for businesses and high earners. More important, the myriad changes in the code would actually raise taxes on nearly 13 million tax filers who earn $100,000 a year or less, according to preliminary calculations using the open-source economic modeling software TaxBrain.

Those changes also include limits on, or the elimination of, what might be called tax breaks for middle-class aspirers. The bill would no longer allow Americans to deduct interest on student loans they took out to attend college. It would limit mortgage interest deductions to $500,000 on newly purchased homes, a provision that would hit middle-class teachers or office workers looking to buy starter houses in high-priced, economically vibrant areas such as New York City and Silicon Valley.

One of the bill’s biggest lifts to working families would vanish after five years — though Republicans would certainly push to extend it — and another would be diluted by the bill’s changes to how the tax code calculates inflation. Continue reading “Major, Major’ Tax Cut May Not Be in Store for Middle Class”

Trump and Sessions Denied Knowing About Russian Contacts. Records Suggest Otherwise.

The following article by Michael S. Schmidt, Matt Apuzzo and Scott Shane was posted on the New York Times website November 2, 2017:

Attorney General Jeff Sessions and President Trump stated in early 2017 that no campaign advisers had contact with Russians. However, new court documents show that a foreign policy adviser, George Papadopoulos, had contacts that he told them about in 2016. By A.J. CHAVAR and MARK MAZZETTI on Publish Date November 2, 2017. Photo by Stephen Crowley/The New York Times. Watch in Times Video »

WASHINGTON — Standing before reporters in February, President Trump said unequivocally that he knew of nobody from his campaign who was in contact with Russians during the election. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has told the Senate the same thing.

Court documents unsealed this week cast doubt on both statements and raised the possibility that Mr. Sessions could be called back to Congress for further questioning. Continue reading “Trump and Sessions Denied Knowing About Russian Contacts. Records Suggest Otherwise.”

Impeachment calls grow louder

The following article by Mike Lillis was posted on the Hill website November 1, 2017:

The Democratic effort to impeach President Trump is set to expand — but not everyone in the party is cheering.

A group of Democrats will file new articles of impeachment against the president this month, according to Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-Ill.), who’s supporting the push. But the campaign is sure to prove a headache for Democratic leaders, who have ventured all year to tamp down rank-and-file attempts to oust the president amid concerns that they’ll undermine efforts to win back the House. Continue reading “Impeachment calls grow louder”

Trump seizes on N.Y. attack to push immigration and vetting policies

The following article by David Nakamura and Ed O’Keefe was posted on the Washington Post website November 1, 2017:

After the Las Vegas shooting, the White House said it was “premature” to discuss gun laws. But after the New York attack, President Trump said immigration laws must change. (Bastien Inzaurralde/TWP)

President Trump moved quickly Wednesday to gain ­political advantage in the wake of the New York terrorist attack, casting blame on Democrats for lax immigration laws and calling the criminal justice system’s handling of suspects “a joke.”

A day after a man, identified by authorities as an Uzbek immigrant, killed eight people on a Manhattan bike path in an act authorities said was inspired by the Islamic State, Trump seized on the deadly crime to renew his calls for a series of hard-line policies. Continue reading “Trump seizes on N.Y. attack to push immigration and vetting policies”

Sarah Huckabee Sanders’s defense of John Kelly’s Confederacy comments makes no sense

The following article by Aaron Blake was posted on the Washington Post website October 31, 2017:

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders responded on Oct. 31 to White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly calling Robert E. Lee “an honorable man.” (Reuters)

Sarah Huckabee Sanders knew she would be asked Tuesday about John Kelly’s controversial comments about how Robert E. Lee was an “honorable man” and how the Civil War was the result of a lack of “compromise.” And she came prepared for the question.

“Look: All of our leaders have flaws,” Sanders began, reading from notes. “Washington, Jefferson, JFK, Roosevelt, Kennedy. That doesn’t diminish their contributions to our country. It certainly can’t erase them from our history. And General Kelly was simply making the point that just because history isn’t perfect doesn’t mean it’s not our history.” Continue reading “Sarah Huckabee Sanders’s defense of John Kelly’s Confederacy comments makes no sense”

Trump to sign legislation overturning arbitration rule

The following article by Lorraine Woellert was posted on the Politico website October 31, 2017:

Credit:  Gerardo Mora/Getty Images

President Donald Trump will sign legislation overturning the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s mandatory arbitration rule Wednesday afternoon, according to a White House official.

The president’s decision comes despite a personal appeal from CFPB Director Richard Cordray and veterans groups, who opposed a congressional vote to overturn the consumer watchdog’s rule using the Congressional Review Act.

The rule bans forced-arbitration clauses in contracts, making it easier for bank and credit card customers to sue to settle disputes. Continue reading “Trump to sign legislation overturning arbitration rule”