U.S. forces say Turkey was deliberately ‘bracketing’ American troops with artillery fire in Syria

Washington Post logoTurkish forces that launched multiple artillery rounds near a U.S. Special Operations outpost in northeastern Syria on Friday have known for months that Americans were there, according to four current and former U.S. officials, raising questions whether Turkey is trying to push American troops farther from the border.

The incident occurred on a hilltop base overlooking the town of Kobane as Turkey continues an operation launched Wednesday against Syrian Kurds, some of whom the United States has partnered with for years in its campaign against the Islamic State. The incursion has focused on an area 60 miles west of Kobane, but U.S. officials contend Turkey has long-term aspirations to control a much larger swath of Syria.

The rounds landed about 9 p.m. within a few hundred yards of the base on Mistenur Hill, U.S. officials said. Navy Capt. Brook DeWalt, a Pentagon spokesman, said in a statement that U.S. troops “came under artillery fire” but were unharmed and that there was an explosion.

View the complete October 12 article by Dan Lamothe on The Washington Post website here.