Trump calls on Justice Department to investigate anonymous NYT writer

The following post was posted on the website September 7, 2018:

Donald Trump Credit: Mandel Ngan, AFP, Getty Images

President Trump told reporters on Air Force One that he thinks Attorney General Jeff Sessions should investigate who the anonymous writer of the New York Times op-ed is, claiming it is a national security concern, according to the AP.

The big picture: Trump has already tried to claim that not revealing the identity of the op-ed writer poses a national security concern, although he has yet to specify how. He has also said he considers the act treasonous.

Trump Proposes New Rule To Implement His Tax Law That Would Benefit Himself

Trump and Republicans promised that the Trump tax law would benefit workers. That has not happened. Instead, Trump’s Treasury Department has proposed a new rule that could wind up benefiting Trump.  It’s no wonder Republican candidates have abandoned running on the Trump tax law.

Trump’s Treasury Department proposed a new rule to implement the Trump tax law that could wind of benefiting Trump’s business and the wealthiest Americans.

New York Times: “A new 20 percent tax break included in last year’s $1.5 trillion tax overhaul could wind up benefiting President Trump’s real estate empire given how the Treasury Department plans to implement the provision, several tax experts said.” Continue reading “Trump Proposes New Rule To Implement His Tax Law That Would Benefit Himself”