Donald Trump’s Bizarre Oscars Smear Campaign Against ‘Django Unchained’

The following article by Marlow Stern was posted on the Daily Beast website March 3, 2018:

During the 2013 Academy Awards season, the then-reality TV host waged a one-man war against Quentin Tarantino’s revenge-Western, which he branded ‘very racist.’

Credit; Elizabeth Brockway, The Daily Beast

Last month President Trump, armed with cue cards advising basic human responses, held a listening session at the White House.

Over ninety agonizing minutes, time he’d much rather be spending on the links or devouring cable news, Trump sat and listened to students, teachers and parents impacted by gun violence. It was the least that the most pro-NRA president ever could do, really, after a teenage gunman armed with a legally-purchased AR-15 assault rifle opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, claiming 17 lives. Continue reading “Donald Trump’s Bizarre Oscars Smear Campaign Against ‘Django Unchained’”